Thursday, December 3, 2009

If you had told me we would end up friends I would have laughed.

So some people may say this sounds a little harsh but I never would have expected to become as close to some of the athletes as I have. I would even go as far as to count some of them as my closest friends. Now, you may say why would I have written them off so fast, but you didn't meet these people in the same context that I met them. Not that they stood out as people who were mean (well some of them did) but I just knew that I could never be friends with them.
After speaking to one of these people on the phone tonight it was suggested that instead of including names I just let everyone guess who they are or who each other are. It would be more fun this way, and then as a bonus if I have forgotten to tell these people my first opinions of them I wouldn't have any of my friends getting upset.
I figured the way I would start off would be explaining why I would NEVER be friends with them and then what brought us together.
The first person I never expected to be friends with I have now known for 7 years and am very close with. I met her when her coach explained she was "one to take care of she is one of our stars". Now for me right away Ill be honest I get worried as a trainer that this "star" is going to be a little..... lets say confident. So, already off to a good start. This "star" then proceeded to spend every waking moment in the training room because she could not stop getting hurt. The issue with this was the fact that since she was always hurt she was not, well in the best moods. I get frustration athletes experience with injuries but it does not constitute wearing a hoodie with the hood up for a 9 month period and that is what she did. It was so bad that if we (student trainers and myself) saw her walking down the hall with the hood up we would fight over who had to treat her. And it was a fight to get out of treatment not to spend quality time with her. She was in a bad mood because she was always hurt, and I mean weird injuries. She broke her elbow landing on it funny, she almost broke her sternum when she pulled a girl down on top of herself. Then there was the time she rolled her ankle cheering at a playoff game.
I dont remember the exact moment I knew we would be friends but I think when you are stuck taking care of someone who should be placed in a bubble you get a certain bond.
The next person was a womens soccer player. I met her and knew right away I would never be friends with this person. She just seemed so standoffish and just ..... well I just prejudged her. Now, don't feel bad for her because as I was doing that she was doing the exact same thing in regards to me. I did not get to know her until her senior year. It was at this point and time she claims I tore her ACL. It was a soccer game, at the half she said it felt funny could I look at it. I have to say that this person had already torn her ACL in each knee already so she was a little nervous. So, I had to relax and I tested her ACL. It was at that point we both heard a "pop". The look on her face, and I am guessing on mine was priceless. She froze and asked "what was that?" I explained it was nothing not to worry. She had no need to worry since she went back out on that field and proceeded to tear the opposite ACL. After that we had some quality time in the training room trying to get her back into playing. She wont let it go about me tearing her ACL though. It reminds me of that scene kind of in White Christmas where Danny Kay saves Bing Crosby from the collapsing wall and hurts his shoulder. So, from then on out Danny Kay holds that over Bing Crosbys head as pretty much blackmail. Well, its the same way. We could be out to dinner and if there is one roll left and if she wants it she proceeds to tell me she should have it since I tore her ACL.
Now onto one of my favorites. This one I really really didnt like. She just .... eh. When I first spent time with her it was on a trip and I did not want anything to do with her (she knows this). Its hard to describe why I didnt like her. I thought she was a little overeager to impress people. And these over eagerness made for some very noisy moments. If you are thinking right now wow I am saying some mean things about my friends to make one point. When this one friend called her mom upset about how she was so tired from trying to fit in and being funny all the time her mom proceeded to tell her "its not all about you". Needless to say this is one of my favorite moms of all time.
The moment the ball got rolling in me being friends with her was in a game when she went down rolling her ankle. I didnt see at first who got hurt but when I ran out to the field and saw her it was I was.... well I helped her off the field. It was determined she had an ankle sprain which was when she had to spend the next few weeks getting treatment. Which meant I had to treat her at least an hour a day. I was not thrilled at this prospect at first, but it turned out to be pretty good since we are now good friends. I mean she was the one who suggested I dont use names in this. I think its because she didnt want anyone to realize how much I disliked her :)
Ive only got a few more so bear with me on this.
The next person again is a close friend though she only just found out this summer that my name is Megan not Margaret. Just been friends with her 3 years and she had no clue. As you can see we are very close.
I met this person and just assumed that they were going to be kind of stuck up and a handful. I just thought they seemed to be a little ..... bratty.
I dont know what really made us become friends. I mean there was a moment on a trip together where she found out some sad news and was crying in my van, but I awkwardly didnt know what to do and she says i looked mean. So, it wasnt at that moment we became friends. I think it was probably when she decided she wasnt going to be a bratty person anymore. I mean if that friend reads this and remembers what changed our friendship let me know.
I have another friend who when I first met I thought she was going to be a very noisy person and in your face. I was blessed in having her two seasons her freshman year but dont remember her at all her first season. So, as you can see she made no impression. I thought she seemed nice just someone I would never be friends with. I found out later she was scared of me. To the point of she wouldnt come into our hotel room on a trip to get food because I was in there reading and she was scared of me. And if you know this person it takes a lot to scare them away from getting some food. So, apparently I was very scary.
Now, I became friends with this person because of an injury. After treating this injury there really is no way two people I think can not have some sort of connection. She proceeded one day to come in and tell me that she had pulled a certain muscle, and could i help treat it. This muscle was lower gluteal and yes I proceeded to help treat it. So, it was while treating this we became friends. Because honestly you need to talk about things to take away from the fact you are treating an awkward area. What do you turn to when trying to avoid awkwardness? You turn to finding out you both share an interest in musicals especially My Fair Lady and that you also both enjoy a good baked good. Needless to say though it brought me a good friend I would have picked a different injury.
I know this only touches on a few of my friends. Some of you reading this may wonder why I have not said a story about you. Well, here is the thing if I didnt write a story about you it means I liked you from the start. These people had to grow on me. These people I didnt want to have anything to do with at first. But, it was the training room that brought me these people as friends. I have so many great friends that I have gotten through the training room and you will be in other stories dont worry. But, I had to share these stories since when I have told them before people find my first intercations with these people well..... special.

1 comment:

  1. YESSSSSSSSSS number one! know secretly you LOVED treating me. AND i made you AA signs.

    and you totally tore jills acL. :)
